Sunday, September 2, 2012

Link for SSSDC and a Dash to the Farmer's Market

Good Morning Bloggy Friends, Well it's Sunday and 'round here that means many things - first and foremost, it's Update Day. This particular Sunday is especially significant because it is the grande finale of the Summer Sizzle Slim Down Challenge. Sundays also mean it's Farmer's Market Day here in Belvidere. Last week's market was a big success and we anticipate more vendors joining our market this week, which is very exciting. It means we must be doing something right! But the market starts early (it's 8:00 now and my husband has been there since 6:30) so I am going to post the link for the SSSDC Challenge here for everyone and then write my update a little later. I'll expand more on this sentiment when I do my official post, but I'd just like to say how proud I am of everyone who toughed this out until the end and kept a great spirit abut the challenge, even on weeks when the the diet gods seemed to not be smiling upon you. There is so much I'd like to write but since I have to hustle, I will save the bulk of my words of appreciation for later. I hope everyone is having a splendid Labor Day weekend!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting this challenge Rochelle!! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into it. I'm looking forward to reading all your success stories :)

  2. Thank you Rochelle for this challenge. Even though I didn't lose a pound and really gained I learned a lot, I moved my butt and now will be putting all I've learned together with what I'm doing now and it'll all be good. I'll do an update shortly, I hope. Got home from camping and needed to work on bus driver home work before play time. :o)
    Take care Rochellet and I'll be keeping an eye on you and wish you the very best. Blessings my friend!!

  3. I am missing our challenge already! What a terrible week I had! I hope everyone else had a much better week than I had on the weight loss roller coaster!

  4. Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you, Rochelle! Hope you are doing okay!

  5. You okay?? I woke up today with you in my head. Drop me an email if you want, just want you to know you're missed!

  6. I was going thru my journal this morning and thot, HEY, we havent heard from Rochelle lately. Just stopping by to say hi, and find out how youre doing.

  7. You, certainly, are missed, Rochelle! I'm always hoping to see a post from you. I hope everything is okay. Take care.

  8. Hey girl!! Just stopping by to 'check in'. Hows it goin?

  9. Hi, I’ve been reading your posts and just wanted to share something? Please email me back. Thanks!

