Sunday, January 22, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - and Hopefully the Ass Grow Smaller.

Hello friends!
Just checking in to let you know I have not been institutionalized, nor have I fallen face first and got stuck in a jumbo bag of Oreos.

It's not the food and shame that's got me staying away from the blog this time.
Truth be told, I have begin student teaching and well... it's pretty much all consuming. (I even feel guilty taking the time to write this little update).

Anyway - I will be checking in when I can - but it may be rather infrequent until May. Then I promise I will be back in full swing - but I didn't want anyone thinking I had fallen into a food coma or anything drastic like that.
I'm here, technically.....but just not "present."

Hope all is well with the rest of my WL Bloggers.  Keep marching on....I'll catch up with you in May!


  1. ST is intense and all consuming. That is your priority now. Try to keep a little balance in your life this semester, make time to play and gather all your perseverance to make it through all these last few hoops. Stays strong! I will check in on you to cheer you through!

  2. Thanks for the update:) I do worry.

  3. I'm happy to hear you haven't been institutionalized. ;) I'll be here when you return. :)

  4. Happy to hear we do not need to organize a cookie intervention. Hope to hear from you again soon.


  5. As teacher I totally understand the chaos you are experiencing! Good luck with ST and with your weightloss!!

  6. Can't wait for you to return, Rochelle! Have a great semester!!

  7. thanks 4 update
    come back 2 us soon
    and keep up the great work

  8. FYI-It's almost May & I haven't forgotten about you. Miss your blog, can't wait for you to be back!!

  9. I hope your student teaching has gone well for you! And hope to see you back soon!,
